The way I did it can be found in this Stack Overflow question.
It is important to use resetModules before each test and then dynamically import the module inside the test:
describe('environmental variables', () => {
const OLD_ENV = process.env;
beforeEach(() => {
jest.resetModules() // Most important - it clears the cache
process.env = { ...OLD_ENV }; // Make a copy
afterAll(() => {
process.env = OLD_ENV; // Restore old environment
test('will receive process.env variables', () => {
// Set the variables
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'dev';
process.env.PROXY_PREFIX = '/new-prefix/';
process.env.API_URL = '';
process.env.APP_PORT = '7080';
process.env.USE_PROXY = 'false';
const testedModule = require('../../config/env').default
// ... actual testing
If you look for a way to load environment values before running the Jest look for the answer below. You should use setupFiles for that.