how to fix the issue “Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1” in iphone
Click On Run checkbox if not selected.
Click On Run checkbox if not selected.
Check the product name in build settings and make sure everywhere it is Myapp. If that is done, Close your project -> go to finder. Right click on your .xcodeproject file and click on show package contents. Then right click on your project.pbxproj and open it in some text editor. Then search for Myapp-temp-caseinsensitive-rename and … Read more
I spent hours searching the web to find information about doing this. Its not actually that hard to set up project templates for Xcode4.5 but its hard to find information on the web that puts it all together! Hopefully the steps below will help you to create your own. Setting Up Lets start by getting … Read more
This is a great question. What you need to do is, Select your current 4/4s storyboard, go to File, duplicate, then give it an iPhone 5 specific name. Make sure that Target and your app name is checked. Next you have to select the scenes in your storyboard and in the Attributes Inspector change the … Read more
Architectures are the ones you want to build, valid architectures are the ones you could conceive of building with your codebase. So maybe you only want to build your binary for armv7s, but the same source code would compile fine for armv7 and armv6. So VALID_ARCHS = armv6 armv7 armv7s, but you set ARCHS = … Read more
Solved the problem Deleting contents of ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator and re-run the project solved this problem. or you can simply reset content and setting of the simulator.
In the iOS 7 TechTalk, session Architecting Modern Apps, Part 2, they explain this clearly Good read Hi! I’m #available! So, a modern App might use iOS 9 as the Target SDK, and iOS 7 as the deployment target. This means that you can run on iOS 7, iOS 8 and iOS 9, and that … Read more
I’ve been able to do this successfully with my app that’s in the App Store. It supports armv6, armv7, and armv7s and iOS versions from 4.2 to 6.0. I’ve verified that it runs on older devices (iPhone 3G, iPod touch 2g) all the way through the iPhone 5. This method requires having both Xcode 4.5 … Read more
I encountered the same problem while manually adding constraints in code. In code, I was doing the following: { [self setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints:YES]; [self addSubview:someView]; [self addSubview:someOtherView]; [self addConstraint:…]; } Hypothesis From what I can tell, the issue is that when you disable translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints, UITableViewCell starts to use Auto Layout and naturally fails because the underlying implementation … Read more
You wouldn’t change the existing templates. In other words, don’t modify anything under the /Developer hierarchy (or wherever you installed your developer tools). Instead, clone the templates you want to have customized variants of. Then change their names and the information in them. Finally, put them in the appropriate location in your account’s Library/Application Support … Read more