Eclipse Workspaces: What for and why?

I’ll provide you with my vision of somebody who feels very uncomfortable in the Java world, which I assume is also your case. What it is A workspace is a concept of grouping together: a set of (somehow) related projects some configuration pertaining to all these projects some settings for Eclipse itself This happens by … Read more

Java Swing save and load workspace/settings

In this case, the obvious solution, java.util.prefs.Preferences, is probably the correct one. RCPrefs from this game is a simple example that demonstrates saving a variety of data types, including enum. The exact implementation is highly dependent on the application. While tedious, it needn’t be especially complex. For expedience, the example uses static methods; frame and … Read more

detach all packages while working in R

So, someone should have simply answered the following. lapply(paste(‘package:’,names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs),sep=””),detach,character.only=TRUE,unload=TRUE) (edit: 6-28-19) In the latest version of R 3.6.0 please use instead. invisible(lapply(paste0(‘package:’, names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs)), detach, character.only=TRUE, unload=TRUE)) Note the use of invisible(*) is not necessary but can be useful to prevent the NULL reply from vertically spamming the R window. (edit: 9/20/2019) In version 3.6.1 It … Read more