How to add a named sheet at the end of all Excel sheets?

Try this: Private Sub CreateSheet() Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:= _ ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count)) ws.Name = “Tempo” End Sub Or use a With clause to avoid repeatedly calling out your object Private Sub CreateSheet() Dim ws As Worksheet With ThisWorkbook Set ws = .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)) ws.Name = “Tempo” End With End Sub Above can be … Read more

Excel tab sheet names vs. Visual Basic sheet names

In the Excel object model a Worksheet has 2 different name properties: Worksheet.Name Worksheet.CodeName the Name property is read/write and contains the name that appears on the sheet tab. It is user and VBA changeable the CodeName property is read-only You can reference a particular sheet as Worksheets(“Fred”).Range(“A1”) where Fred is the .Name property or … Read more

Refer to sheet using codename

1) Refer to sheet by Index: With Worksheets(1) ‘<stuff here> End With The `Index’ is dependent on the “order of sheets in the workbook”. If you shuffle your sheets order, this may not refer to the same sheet any more! 2) Refer to sheet by Name: With Worksheets(“Your Sheet Name”) ‘<stuff here> End With This … Read more
