Workflow frameworks for Django [closed]

Let me give a few notes here as i’m the author of django-fsm and django-viewflow, two projects that could be called “workflow libraries”. Workflow word itself is a bit overrated. Different kind of libraries and software could call themselves “workflow” but have varying functionality. The commonality is that a workflow connects the steps of some … Read more

Proper way to create dynamic workflows in Airflow

Here is how I did it with a similar request without any subdags: First create a method that returns whatever values you want def values_function(): return values Next create method that will generate the jobs dynamically: def group(number, **kwargs): #load the values if needed in the command you plan to execute dyn_value = “{{ task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids=”push_func”) … Read more

Run VBA script from R

Here’s a method which doesn’t require a VBscript wrapper. You’ll need to install the RDCOMClient package library(RDCOMClient) # Open a specific workbook in Excel: xlApp <- COMCreate(“Excel.Application”) xlWbk <- xlApp$Workbooks()$Open(“C:\\Temp\\macro_template.xlsm”) # this line of code might be necessary if you want to see your spreadsheet: xlApp[[‘Visible’]] <- TRUE # Run the macro called “MyMacro”: xlApp$Run(“MyMacro”) … Read more

Why can’t I push from a shallow clone?

As Junio C. Hamano (main Git maintainer) puts it: Isn’t the rule more or less like: If your shallow repository’s history does not extend long enough and the other repository forked before your truncated history, wyou cannot compute the common ancestor and you cannot push out. Update 2014: see “Is git clone –depth 1 (shallow … Read more