WIX merge c++ runtime

It seems Microsoft recommends you use one of the redist executables (vcredist_x86.exe, vcredist_x64.exe) instead of the merge modules (see towards bottom) these days since the 2015 versions of the runtimes are more complicated than before and the merge modules are basically insufficient: “There will not be a merge module for the Universal CRT“. UPDATE: How … Read more

Forcing an upgrade of a file that is modified during its initial installation

Newer answers: 1) Companion files, 2) file version hack using Visual Studio, 3) moving the file to another installation path, 4) variations of REINSTALLMODE, 5) “version lying”, etc… All kind of options, most of which are not ideal: File of a new component isn’t installed because there was an old component with the same file … Read more

I screwed up, how can I uninstall my program?

Update, Stein Åsmul: Injecting this newer list of cleanup approaches. Find your package in C:\Windows\Installer, where Windows keeps copies of installed MSI packages. The names are generated randomly, so you’ll have to look at the creation dates of the files. Open the MSI file with Orca. (Unfortunately there is no simple download for the orca … Read more

Windows installer deletes versioned file during product upgrade, instead of downgrading it

We also encountered this problem where lower-versioned DLLs were not getting reinstalled on a major upgrade. I thought it was strange that the installer would decide which files to install based on the versioning of existing files, then completely uninstall everything, but still only install what what files had been determined to install before uninstalling … Read more

Wix: How to set permissions for folder and all sub folders

First of all, I would recommend you using PermissionEx instead. It is a standard WiX extension and it has one really huge advantage over Permission – it doesn’t overwrite, but modifies ACLs. And by default, it applies permissions to the folder and all its descendant files and folders, so you don’t have to specify anything … Read more

WiX silent install unable to launch built in .EXE: WiX v3

Faulty Configuration: This line would never run – regardless of silent or interactive mode: <Custom Action=”SilentExecExample” After=”TheActionYouWantItAfter”/> The After attribute must specify a valid StandardAction or CustomAction name. Silent Mode Failure: The line below will fail in silent mode because you run it after InstallFinalize. In this case it will not run with elevation (unless … Read more

Wix toolset license agreement multi-languages issue

This sounded quite mysterious. A quick search found this existing question: Wix string with characters not available in database ‘s codepage although codepage is set. It seems there is a separate code page setting for the MSI’s summary stream – Codepage Summary property – which is different from the package’s main code page setting. I … Read more