How do I use WebStorm for Chrome Extension Development?

First Time Setup Open the Settings dialog (File > Settings) Click Languages & Frameworks > Javascript > Libraries Click Download Make sure TypeScript community stubs is selected Select chrome from the list (you can find it quickly by just typing chrome) Click Download and Install Click OK to close the Settings dialog. Steps 2-6 illustrated … Read more

How to debug angular protractor tests in WebStorm

Get the node path (Type which node in your terminal) In the WebStorm: Click on “Edit configurations” – the dropdown to the left of the “Run” button (green arrow like a “play” button) Click on the “Add button” (green +) to add a new Node configuration. Select “Node.js“ Fill the params: Node interpreter: Full path … Read more

How to import js-modules into TypeScript file?

You can import the whole module as follows: import * as FriendCard from ‘./../pages/FriendCard’; For more details please refer the modules section of Typescript official docs. Recent Updated Solution : We need to tweak the tsconfig.json to allow JS modules import. credits to @paulmest, @ben-winding @crispen-gari solutions below. { “compilerOptions”: { “allowJs”: true } }

Difference between WebStorm and PHPStorm

I couldn’t find any major points on JetBrains’ website and even Google didn’t help that much. You should train your search-fu twice as harder. FROM: NOTE: PhpStorm includes all the functionality of WebStorm (HTML/CSS Editor, JavaScript Editor) and adds full-fledged support for PHP and Databases/SQL. Their forum also has quite few answers for such … Read more