Which would be better for concurrent tasks on node.js? Fibers? Web-workers? or Threads?

Node has a completely different paradigm and once it is correctly captured, it is easier to see this different way of solving problems. You never need multiple threads in a Node application(1) because you have a different way of doing the same thing. You create multiple processes; but it is very very different than, for … Read more

How to create a Web Worker from a string

Summary blob: for Chrome 8+, Firefox 6+, Safari 6.0+, Opera 15+ data:application/javascript for Opera 10.60 – 12 eval otherwise (IE 10+) URL.createObjectURL(<Blob blob>) can be used to create a Web worker from a string. The blob can be created using the BlobBuilder API deprecated or the Blob constructor. Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/uqcFM/49/ // URL.createObjectURL window.URL = window.URL … Read more

Web workers without a separate Javascript file?

http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/workers/basics/#toc-inlineworkers What if you want to create your worker script on the fly, or create a self-contained page without having to create separate worker files? With Blob(), you can “inline” your worker in the same HTML file as your main logic by creating a URL handle to the worker code as a string Full example … Read more