Is transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo more suitable for complication update?

The distinction between these two WCSession methods involve when the data is sent, and whether the watchkit extension is woken up or not. transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo: is specifically designed for transferring complication user info meant to be shown on the watch face right now. The complication user info is marked “Urgent”, and is placed at the front … Read more

Watchkit , openParentApplication with WatchKit Extension

Well, I would not recommend you using anything, related to network operations on watch itself. First of all because Apple does not recommend to do it for obvious reasons. The only network thing that is performed on the watch directly is loading images. I have been struggling with network operations and watch for like a … Read more

NSUserDefaults not working on Xcode beta with Watch OS2

With watch OS2 you can no longer use shared group containers. Apple Docs: Watch apps that shared data with their iOS apps using a shared group container must be redesigned to handle data differently. In watchOS 2, each process must manage its own copy of any shared data in the local container directory. For data … Read more

How do I correctly use “openParentApplication” and “handleWatchKitExtensionRequest” so that “reply()” is called?

When the main app on the iPhone is not active, reply() may not be reached because the background task is killed by the OS before. The solution is to explicitly start a background task in handleWatchKitExtensionRequest as specified in the documentation. If a background task is initiated like this, it can run up to 180 … Read more

Watchkit Extension – No matching provisioning profiles found

You need to create two new AppIDs in the Developer Portal with the correct bundle identifier for your Watchkit app and Watchkit extension. The bundle identifier has to extend the main apps identifier, so if your app is com.myapp it should be com.myapp.watchkitextension and com.myapp.watchkitapp You also need to create the related Provisioning Profiles for … Read more

How can I change image tintColor in iOS and WatchKit

iOS For an iOS app, in Swift 3, 4 or 5: theImageView.image = theImageView.image?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) theImageView.tintColor = For Swift 2: theImageView.image = theImageView.image?.imageWithRenderingMode(UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate) theImageView.tintColor = UIColor.redColor() Meanwhile, the modern Objective-C solution is: theImageView.image = [theImageView.image imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate]; [theImageView setTintColor:[UIColor redColor]]; Watchkit In WatchKit for Apple Watch apps, you can set the tint color for a template … Read more