Glass voice command nearest match from given list

The Google GDK doesn’t support this feature yet. However, the necessary features are already available in some libraries and you can use them as long as the GDK doesn’t support this natively. What you have to do: Pull the GlassVoice.apk from your Glass: adb pull /system/app/GlassVoice.apk Use dex2jar to convert this apk into a jar … Read more

Google Speech Recognition timeout

EDIT – Has apparently been fixed in the August 2016 coming release You can test the beta to confirm. This is a bug with the release of Google ‘Now’ V6.0.23.* and persists in the latest V6.1.28.* Since the release of V5.11.34.* Google’s implementation of the SpeechRecognizer has been plagued with bugs. You can use this … Read more