How to configure vim to not put comments at the beginning of lines while editing python files

I found an answer here It seems that the vim smartindent option is the cause of the problem. The referenced page above describes work-a-rounds but after reading the help in smartindent in vim itself (:help smartindent), I decided to try cindent instead of smartindent. I replaced set smartindent with set cindent in my .vimrc … Read more

Vim autocomplete for Python

Try Jedi! There’s a Vim plugin at It works just much better than anything else for Python in Vim. It even has support for renaming, goto, etc. The best part is probably that it really tries to understand your code (decorators, generators, etc. Just look at the feature list).

How to get path to the current vimscript being executed

” Relative path of script file: let s:path = expand(‘<sfile>’) ” Absolute path of script file: let s:path = expand(‘<sfile>:p’) ” Absolute path of script file with symbolic links resolved: let s:path = resolve(expand(‘<sfile>:p’)) ” Folder in which script resides: (not safe for symlinks) let s:path = expand(‘<sfile>:p:h’) ” If you’re using a symlink to … Read more

Smart Wrap in Vim

This feature has been implemented on June 25, 2014 as patch 7.4.338. There followed a few patches refining the feature, last one being 7.4.354, so that’s the version you’ll want. :help breakindent :help breakindentopt Excerpts from vim help below: ‘breakindent’ ‘bri’ boolean (default off) local to window {not in Vi} {not available when compiled without … Read more

Best way to insert timestamp in Vim?

To make it work cross-platform, just put the following in your vimrc: nmap <F3> i<C-R>=strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %a %I:%M %p”)<CR><Esc> imap <F3> <C-R>=strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %a %I:%M %p”)<CR> Now you can just press F3 any time inside Vi/Vim and you’ll get a timestamp like 2016-01-25 Mo 12:44 inserted at the cursor. For a complete description of the available parameters … Read more

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