Android install apk with Intent.VIEW_ACTION not working with File provider

After a lot of trying I have been able to solve this by creating different Intents for anything lower than Nougat as using the FileProvider to create an install intent with Android Versions before Nougat causes the error: ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.INSTALL_PACKAGE dat=content://XXX.apk flg=0x1 } While using a normal Uri … Read more

When to use f:viewAction / preRenderView versus PostConstruct?

When should one use the f:viewAction or preRenderView event to initialize data for a page verses using the @PostConstruct annotation? Use the <f:viewAction> when you want to execute a method before the HTML is been rendered. This is particularly useful if you want to perform actions based on model values set by <f:viewParam> during update … Read more

What can , and be used for?

Process GET parameters The <f:viewParam> manages the setting, conversion and validation of GET parameters. It’s like the <h:inputText>, but then for GET parameters. The following example <f:metadata> <f:viewParam name=”id” value=”#{}” /> </f:metadata> does basically the following: Get the request parameter value by name id. Convert and validate it if necessary (you can use required, validator … Read more