Do UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 differ in the number of characters they can store?

There is no Unicode character that can be stored in one encoding but not another. This is simply because the valid Unicode characters have been restricted to what can be stored in UTF-16 (which has the smallest capacity of the three encodings). In other words, UTF-8 and and UTF-32 could be used to represent a … Read more

Android WebView with garbled UTF-8 characters.

You can try to edit the settings of your webview before you load the data: WebSettings settings = mWebView.getSettings(); settings.setDefaultTextEncodingName(“utf-8”); Also, as provided in the comment below, be sure to add “charset=utf-8” to the loadData call: mWebView.loadData(getString(R.string.info_texto), “text/html; charset=utf-8”, “utf-8”);

Which encoding opens CSV files correctly with Excel on both Mac and Windows?

Excel Encodings I found the WINDOWS-1252 encoding to be the least frustrating when dealing with Excel. Since its basically Microsofts own proprietary character set, one can assume it will work on both the Mac and the Windows version of MS-Excel. Both versions at least include a corresponding “File origin” or “File encoding” selector which correctly … Read more

UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32

UTF-8 has an advantage in the case where ASCII characters represent the majority of characters in a block of text, because UTF-8 encodes these into 8 bits (like ASCII). It is also advantageous in that a UTF-8 file containing only ASCII characters has the same encoding as an ASCII file. UTF-16 is better where ASCII … Read more

Unicode, UTF, ASCII, ANSI format differences

Going down your list: “Unicode” isn’t an encoding, although unfortunately, a lot of documentation imprecisely uses it to refer to whichever Unicode encoding that particular system uses by default. On Windows and Java, this often means UTF-16; in many other places, it means UTF-8. Properly, Unicode refers to the abstract character set itself, not to … Read more
