How to install a windows font using C#

You’ll need a different approach installing fonts. Use an installer (create a setup project) to install the fonts Another (more easy) approach using a native method. Declare the dll import: [DllImport(“gdi32.dll”, EntryPoint=”AddFontResourceW”, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int AddFontResource( [In][MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpFileName); In your code: // Try install the font. result = AddFontResource(@”C:\MY_FONT_LOCATION\MY_NEW_FONT.TTF”); error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); … Read more

UnauthorizedAccessException cannot resolve Directory.GetFiles failure [duplicate]

In order to gain control on the level that you want, you should probably probe one directory at a time, instead of a whole tree. The following method populates the given IList<string> with all files found in the directory tree, except those where the user doesn’t have access: // using System.Linq private static void AddFiles(string … Read more

ADB Android Device Unauthorized

It’s likely that the device is no longer authorized on ADB for whatever reason. 1. Check if authorized: <ANDROID_SDK_HOME>\platform-tools>adb devices List of devices attached 4df798d76f98cf6d unauthorized 2. Revoke USB Debugging on phone If the device is shown as unauthorized, go to the developer options on the phone and click “Revoke USB debugging authorization” (tested with … Read more