Translucent circular Control with text

This is a Custom Control derived from Control, which can be made translucent. The interface is a colored circle which can contain a couple of numbers. The Control exposes these custom properties: Opacity: The level of opacity of the control BackGround [0, 255] InnerPadding: The distance between the inner rectangle, which defines the circle bounds … Read more

How to check if a specific pixel of an image is transparent?

Building on Jeff’s answer, your first step would be to create a canvas representation of your PNG. The following creates an off-screen canvas that is the same width and height as your image and has the image drawn on it. var img = document.getElementById(‘my-image’); var canvas = document.createElement(‘canvas’); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; canvas.getContext(‘2d’).drawImage(img, … Read more