Is it able to ignore/disable the first step Get source in vNext Build?

Update: Now you should use below to avoid syncing sources at all: Classic Editor: agent.source.skip=true YAML: steps: – checkout: none It’s not able to directly disable/remove the Get Sources task. However, you could add a variable to achieve it: Build.SyncSources = false You can see from below screenshot, the Get Sources operation started and finished … Read more

TFS 2013 building .NET 4.6 / C# 6.0

People using TFS 2012 have reported success using: /tv:14.0 /p:GenerateBuildInfoConfigFile=false /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0 as arguments to MSBuild. Perhaps this might work for you, but so far this does not work for my TFS 2013 build agents. Update: I finally got this to work on TFS 2013. Here is what I had to do: Install VS 2015 or … Read more