Are SELECT type queries the only type that can be nested?

Basic answer There are CTEs (Common Table Expressions) in Postgres – like in any major modern RDBMS, That includes MySQL since version 8.0. Since version 9.1 Postgres also features data-modifying CTEs, which can be “nested”. Unlike subqueries CTEs pose as optimization barriers. The query planner cannot inline trivial commands into the main command or reorder … Read more

How to use an Alias in a Calculation for Another Field

That method doesn’t work in SQL Server. You can accomplish the same thing in a couple different ways: 1.) Use the code for each aliased column instead of the alias: (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UserEvent UE WHERE UE.EventTypeID = 1 AND UE.PracticeID = au.PracticeID AND (UE.EventDate BETWEEN @Date1 and @Date2) – COUNT(CASE WHEN udi.DevicePlatform = ‘iOS’ … Read more

Difference between Subquery and Correlated Subquery

Above example is not Co-related Sub-Query. It is Derived Table / Inline-View since i.e, a Sub-query within FROM Clause. A Corelated Sub-query should refer its parent(main Query) Table in it. For example See find the Nth max salary by Co-related Sub-query: SELECT Salary FROM Employee E1 WHERE N-1 = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employee E2 WHERE … Read more

Quick Explanation of SUBQUERY in NSPredicate Expression

And for people who don’t quite get what the documentation is saying, a SUBQUERY is essentially this: SUBQUERY(collection, variableName, predicateFormat) And could (simplistically) be implemented like this: id resultingCollection = …; //a new collection, either a mutable set or array NSMutableDictionary * substitutions = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSPredicate * p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:predicateFormat]; for (id variable … Read more
