iPhone In-App Purchase Store Kit error -1003 “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”

I had a similar situation and dumped the iPhone’s network traffic to see what’s going on. I found that the normal store was contacted instead of the sandbox. It helped to delete the app from the device, make clean and build/install it again. Apparently something with the development profile had gone wrong. Update: To dump … Read more

iPhone Store Kit “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”

I was getting SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed error code 0 “Cannot connect to iTunes Store” and thanks to thomax for this answer my problem is solved. Turns out you MUST enter a build number under Targets->Summary. I spent the last 24 hours resetting my phone, screwing with iTunes connect, and doing just about everything i could think of … Read more

Verify receipt for in App purchase

First, there are a few typos in the posted code. Try this. (Disclaimer: Refactoring et. al is left as an exercise for the readership!) – (BOOL)verifyReceipt:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction { NSString *jsonObjectString = [self encode:(uint8_t *)transaction.transactionReceipt.bytes length:transaction.transactionReceipt.length]; NSString *completeString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”http://url-for-your-php?receipt=%@”, jsonObjectString]; NSURL *urlForValidation = [NSURL URLWithString:completeString]; NSMutableURLRequest *validationRequest = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:urlForValidation]; [validationRequest setHTTPMethod:@”GET”]; NSData … Read more

Undocumented NSURLErrorDomain error codes (-1001, -1003 and -1004) using StoreKit

All error codes are on “CFNetwork Errors Codes References” on the documentation (link) A small extraction for CFURL and CFURLConnection Errors: kCFURLErrorUnknown = -998, kCFURLErrorCancelled = -999, kCFURLErrorBadURL = -1000, kCFURLErrorTimedOut = -1001, kCFURLErrorUnsupportedURL = -1002, kCFURLErrorCannotFindHost = -1003, kCFURLErrorCannotConnectToHost = -1004, kCFURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost = -1005, kCFURLErrorDNSLookupFailed = -1006, kCFURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects = -1007, kCFURLErrorResourceUnavailable = -1008, kCFURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet … Read more

A complete solution to LOCALLY validate an in-app receipts and bundle receipts on iOS 7

Here’s a walkthrough of how I solved this in my in-app purchase library RMStore. I will explain how to verify a transaction, which includes verifying the whole receipt. At a glance Get the receipt and verify the transaction. If it fails, refresh the receipt and try again. This makes the verification process asynchronous as refreshing … Read more