CSS Sticky Footers with Unknown Height

http://pixelsvsbytes.com/blog/2011/09/sticky-css-footers-the-flexible-way/ Summary: For a site with a header, content area, and footer: Set html, body {height: 100%;} Set your body (or a wrapper div) to display: table; width: 100%; height: 100%; Set your header, footer, and content area to display: table-row;. Give your header and footer height: 1px;, and give your content area height: auto; … Read more

Bootstrap 4 – Sticky footer – Dynamic footer height

Now that Bootstrap 4 is flexbox, a sticky footer can be done using… <wrapper class=”d-flex flex-column”> <nav> </nav> <main class=”flex-fill”> </main> <footer> </footer> </wrapper> body, wrapper { min-height:100vh; } .flex-fill { flex:1 1 auto; } Demo: Bootstrap 4.0 Sticky Footer Note: The flex-fill utility class is included in the Bootstrap 4.1 and later release. So … Read more

How to make a sticky footer using CSS?

Following a clean method implemented from an online source no longer available (dead link), the minimum code you should need for your page would be (note – probably best to use #bottom-footer instead of footer #bottom-footer for the selection of your footer – that could be part of the issue): html { position: relative; min-height: … Read more

How do you get the footer to stay at the bottom of a Web page?

Use CSS vh units! Probably the most obvious and non-hacky way to go about a sticky footer would be to make use of the new css viewport units. Take for example the following simple markup: <header>header goes here</header> <div class=”content”>This page has little content</div> <footer>This is my footer</footer> If the header is say 80px high … Read more
