Is there a standard way of moving a range into a vector?

You use a move_iterator with insert: v1.insert(v1.end(), make_move_iterator(v2.begin()), make_move_iterator(v2.end())); The example in 24.5.3 is almost exactly this. You’ll get the optimization you want if (a) vector::insert uses iterator-tag dispatch to detect the random-access iterator and precalculate the size (which you’ve assumed it does in your example that copies), and (b) move_iterator preserves the iterator category … Read more

Why does std::vector work with incomplete types in class definitions?

Standard says (draft N3690; this is post C++11, pre C++14): [res.on.functions] 1 In certain cases (replacement functions, handler functions, operations on types used to instantiate standard library template components), the C++standard library depends on components supplied by a C++program. If these components do not meet their requirements, the Standard places no requirements on the implementation. … Read more

std::vector of std::vectors contiguity

No. The elements of a vector are stored in a dynamically allocated block of memory; otherwise, the capacity of the vector could not increase. The vector object just holds a pointer to that block. The requirement that the elements be stored sequentially applies only to the elements themselves, and not to any dynamically allocated members … Read more

How do I sort the texture positions based on the texture indices given in a Wavefront (.obj) file?

If there are different indexes for vertex coordinates and texture coordinates, then the vertex positions must be “duplicated”. The vertex coordinate and its attributes (like texture coordinate) form a tuple. Each vertex coordinate must have its own texture coordinates and attributes. You can think of a 3D vertex coordinate and a 2D texture coordinate as … Read more

Performance issue for vector::size() in a loop in C++

In theory, it is called each time, since a for loop: for(initialization; condition; increment) body; is expanded to something like { initialization; while(condition) { body; increment; } } (notice the curly braces, because initialization is already in an inner scope) In practice, if the compiler understands that a piece of your condition is invariant through … Read more

Is std::vector copying the objects with a push_back?

Yes, std::vector<T>::push_back() creates a copy of the argument and stores it in the vector. If you want to store pointers to objects in your vector, create a std::vector<whatever*> instead of std::vector<whatever>. However, you need to make sure that the objects referenced by the pointers remain valid while the vector holds a reference to them (smart … Read more
