Are JavaScript Arrays actually implemented as arrays?

In SpiderMonkey, arrays are implemented basically as C arrays of jsvals. These are referred to as “dense arrays”. However, if you start doing un-array-like things to them — like treating them like objects — their implementation is changed to something which very much resembles objects. Moral of the story: when you want an array, use … Read more

How does setInterval and setTimeout work?

Javascript is singled-threaded but the browser is not. The browser has at least three threads: Javascript engine thread, UI thread, and timing thread, where the timing of setTimeout and setInterval are done by the timing thread. When calling setTimeout or setInterval, a timer thread in the browser starts counting down and when time up puts … Read more

Embedding JavaScript engine into .NET [closed]

Try Javascript .NET. It is hosted on GitHub It was originally hosted on CodePlex, here) Project discussions: It implements Google V8. You can compile and run JavaScript directly from .NET code with it, and supply CLI objects to be used by the JavaScript code as well. It generates native code from JavaScript.