good Speech recognition API

I think desktop recognition is starting because you are using a shared desktop recognizer. You should use an inproc recognizer for your application only. you do this by instantiating a SpeechRecognitionEngine() in your application. Since you are using the dictation grammar and the desktop windows recognizer, I believe it can be trained by the speaker … Read more

How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones

Use the SpeechRecognizer interface. Your app needs to have the RECORD_AUDIO permission, and you can then create a SpeechRecognizer, give it a RecognitionListener and then call its startListening method. You will get callbacks to the listener when the speech recognizer is ready to begin listening for speech and as it receives speech and converts it … Read more

What is the difference between System.Speech.Recognition and Microsoft.Speech.Recognition?

The short answer is that Microsoft.Speech.Recognition uses the Server version of SAPI, while System.Speech.Recognition uses the Desktop version of SAPI. The APIs are mostly the same, but the underlying engines are different. Typically, the Server engine is designed to accept telephone-quality audio for command & control applications; the Desktop engine is designed to accept higher-quality … Read more