How to display the default iOS 6 share action sheet with available share options?

The UIActivityViewController stated in the other answer makes this trivial. All you have to do is specify the text/image/URL that you want to share and present the activity view controller modally and iOS will automatically display all applicable sharing services. Examples: Objective-C – (void)shareText:(NSString *)text andImage:(UIImage *)image andUrl:(URL *)url { NSMutableArray *sharingItems = [NSMutableArray new]; … Read more

Tutorial for SLComposeViewController sharing [closed]

For details on this framework please see Apple’s Social Framework Class Reference Additional tutorials: For this example, we will be using the SLComposeViewController‘s SLServiceTypeFacebook. If you wish to use Twitter or SinaWeibo just change out the SLServiceType to one of the following: SLServiceTypeFacebook SLServiceTypeSinaWeibo SLServiceTypeTwitter iOS 6 has made it very easy … Read more