Orchestration vs. Choreography

Basic technologies (such as XML, SOAP, WSDL) provide means to describe, locate, and invoke services as an entity in its own right. However, these technologies do not give a rich behavioral detail about the role of the service in more complex collaboration. This collaboration includes a sequence of activities and relationships between activities, which build … Read more

WCF – Design Parameter Decision

In this case I would not use the existing services in the Renewal Service, like you say they could change. I follow the principle that in SOA services should have a business meaning. I would therefore create a new operation: IsContractRenewalInProgress. This removes the need to think about who should be responsible for validating that … Read more

Reports in SOA (Business Intelligence & Service Oriented Architecture)

The problem from what I can see is that SSRS violates the Contract Centralisation Pattern. Instead your report should be generated from either the services you have created, or by extending those services. Otherwise you create a tight technology based coupling between your report and your databases, which will make it more difficult to modify, … Read more
