Suppress / Block BroadcastReceiver in another app

GoSMS does have the priority set to 2147483647, but that is not “maximal” (it is the largest integer) – it is too high. Android documentation for SYSTEM_HIGH_PRIORITY is 1000 ( and app priority levels should be below this – it is not a system app. This will create unpredictable behavior. (GoSMS does not always dismiss … Read more

Listen outgoing SMS or sent box in Android

Basically, you have to register a content observer… something like this: ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); contentResolver.registerContentObserver(Uri.parse(“content://sms/out”),true, yourObserver); yourObserver is an object (new YourObserver(new Handler())) that could look like this: class YourObserver extends ContentObserver { public YourObserver(Handler handler) { super(handler); } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { super.onChange(selfChange); // save the message to the SD card … Read more

Send SMS until it is successful

Here is what I have done: public class SMSSender extends IntentService { public static final String INTENT_MESSAGE_SENT = “message.sent”; public static final String INTENT_MESSAGE_DELIVERED = “message.delivered”; public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE = “extra.message”; public static final String EXTRA_RECEIVERS = “extra.receivers”; public SMSSender() { super(“SMSSender”); } private final String TAG = “SendSMS”; private static class IDGenerator … Read more

How to get javax.comm API?

Oracle Java Communications API Reference – Official 3.0 Download (Solarix, Linux) – Unofficial 2.0 Download (All): Unofficial 2.0 Download (Windows installer) – In order to ensure there is no compilation error, place the file on your classpath when compiling (-cp command-line option, or check your IDE documentation).

Android Broadcast Receiver for Sent SMS messages?

Unfortunately there is (currently) no way to implement a BroadcastReceiver because the standard sms application uses a SmsManger to send the messages but specifies concrete internal classes for the sent and delivered intents (SmsReceiver.class and MessageStatusReceiver.class respectively). Not that it is any consolation but you can find the following comment in the Sms application’s source: … Read more

Detecting SMS incoming and outgoing

This is a good tutorial on both sending and receiving sms messages: . For the incoming messages you can indeed configure a broadcastlistener for detection. * Detecting outgoing messages is also possible (just altered this post since I dind’t know this). from: ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); contentResolver.registerContentObserver(Uri.parse(“content:// sms”),true, myObserver);

SMS from web application [closed]

I don’t know if this applies to you, but what I have done many times to save myself the money is ask the user in his profile what his carrier is, then tried matching it with this list. Essentially, many/most carriers have an email address connected to a phone number that will easily let you … Read more