tkinter and time.sleep

You really should be using something like the Tkinter after method rather than time.sleep(…). There’s an example of using the after method at this other stackoverflow question. Here’s a modified version of your script that uses the after method: from time import time, sleep from Tkinter import * def empty_textbox(): textbox.delete(“1.0”, END) root = Tk() … Read more

Sleep for milliseconds

In C++11, you can do this with standard library facilities: #include <chrono> #include <thread> std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(x)); Clear and readable, no more need to guess at what units the sleep() function takes.

How accurate is python’s time.sleep()?

The accuracy of the time.sleep function depends on your underlying OS’s sleep accuracy. For non-realtime OS’s like a stock Windows the smallest interval you can sleep for is about 10-13ms. I have seen accurate sleeps within several milliseconds of that time when above the minimum 10-13ms. Update: Like mentioned in the docs cited below, it’s … Read more

How do I make a delay in Java?

If you want to pause then use java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit: TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); To sleep for one second or TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(1); To sleep for a minute. As this is a loop, this presents an inherent problem – drift. Every time you run code and then sleep you will be drifting a little bit from running, say, every second. If this … Read more

Why is Thread.Sleep so harmful

The problems with calling Thread.Sleep are explained quite succinctly here: Thread.Sleep has its use: simulating lengthy operations while testing/debugging on an MTA thread. In .NET there’s no other reason to use it. Thread.Sleep(n) means block the current thread for at least the number of timeslices (or thread quantums) that can occur within n milliseconds. The … Read more