Can I prevent phone from sleep on a webpage

You can use: Prevent display sleep and enable wake lock in any Android or iOS web browser. Note that the library has some reliability/performance issues on some platforms/browsers. Users have found solutions that are listed in the issue comments and pull requests, but they have not been added since the repo owner appears not … Read more

time.sleep() and BackGround Windows PyQt5

An expression equivalent to time.sleep(2) that is friendly to PyQt is as follows: loop = QEventLoop() QTimer.singleShot(2000, loop.quit) loop.exec_() The problem is caused because you are showing the widget after the pause, you must do it before calling run(), Also another error is to use QImage, for questions of widgets you must use QPixmap. If … Read more

Is there a way to check if the iOS device is locked/unlocked?

Apps are not allowed to listen to device lock notifications now!. I had receive this: Dear developer, We have discovered one or more issues with your recent submission for “xxxx”. To process your submission, the following issues must be corrected: Unsupported operation – Apps are not allowed to listen to device lock notifications. Once these … Read more

implement time delay in c

In standard C (C99), you can use time() to do this, something like: #include <time.h> : void waitFor (unsigned int secs) { unsigned int retTime = time(0) + secs; // Get finishing time. while (time(0) < retTime); // Loop until it arrives. } By the way, this assumes time() returns a 1-second resolution value. I … Read more