Separate REST JSON API server and client? [closed]

At Boundless, we’ve gone deep with option #2 and rolled it out to thousands of students. Our server is a JSON REST API (Scala + MongoDB), and all of our client code is served straight out of CloudFront (ie: is just an alias for CloudFront). Pros: Cutting-edge/exciting A lot of bang for your buck: … Read more

Gem installation error: You have to install development tools first (Windows)

Also for Mac: if you do not already have xcode dev tools installed on your system (perhaps you recently upgraded your OS or Xcode), run xcode-select –install otherwise, a more invasive fix is to set the active directory using the –switch flag sudo xcode-select –switch / from the xcode-select manual: -s <path>, –switch <path> Sets … Read more

EventSource / Server-Sent Events through Nginx

Your Nginx config is correct, you just miss few lines. Here is a “magic trio” making EventSource working through Nginx: proxy_set_header Connection ”; proxy_http_version 1.1; chunked_transfer_encoding off; Place them into location section and it should work. You may also need to add proxy_buffering off; proxy_cache off; That’s not an official way of doing it. I … Read more
