How to use “RVM –default” on MacOSX

I had the same problem once. It turned out the rvm-script got loaded twice, which broke things a bit. Check all the files that load when you open a shell: /etc/profile ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile and so on, and make sure they don’t load RVM twice. Maybe put echo “Going to load RVM” before [[ -s “/Users/user/.rvm/scripts/rvm” … Read more

How to install RVM on Windows 7

No RVM for you! From RVM’s FAQ: Does RVM work on windows? Will it in the future? NO. If you would like to manage multiple versions of ruby on windows please use pik which is an excellent tool by Gordon Thiesfeld. You can find it on GitHub. There are plans to include windows support in … Read more

rmagick gem install “Can’t find Magick-config”

When building native Ruby gems, sometimes you’ll get an error containing “ruby extconf.rb”. This is often caused by missing development libraries for the gem you’re installing, or even Ruby itself. Do you have apt installed on your machine? If not, I’d recommend installing it, because it’s a quick and easy way to get a lot … Read more

Curl Certificate Error when Using RVM to install Ruby 1.9.2

In case any one else comes across this while trying to update to 1.9.3 (although version probably doesn’t matter), check the version of rvm that you have. Wayne seems to have moved from to The old site’s security certificate has expired, so curl’s response is correct. Updating rvm from the new site fixed … Read more
