What is the relationship between component family, component type and renderer type?

The renderer is selected by the component family, not by the component type as you seem to expect. Let’s cite the JSF 2.0 specification: 3.1.2 Component Type While not a property of UIComponent, the component-type is an important piece of data related to each UIComponent subclass that allows the Application instance to create new instances … Read more

Put JTable in the JTree

Get rid of the scrollPane, it’s dysfunctional anyway (so far I agree with Russell 🙂 and add the table and its header to the panel, using an appropriate LayoutManager: public MyTableInTreeCellRenderer() { super(); setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); table = new JTable(); add(table.getTableHeader()); add(table); } you’ll probably need to tweak the visuals a bit, the left and … Read more

Timed out receiving message from renderer: 0.100 log messages using ChromeDriver and Chrome v80 through Selenium Java

Interim solution Here are the solutions for different variants of Chrome users. If you are using Chrome v80, using the recently released ChromeDriver 80.0.3987.106 solves the issue. Code Block: System.setProperty(“webdriver.chrome.driver”, “C:\\Utility\\BrowserDrivers\\chromedriver.exe”); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.quit(); Console Output: Starting ChromeDriver 80.0.3987.106 (f68069574609230cf9b635cd784cfb1bf81bb53a-refs/branch-heads/3987@{#882}) on port 20041 Only local connections are allowed. Please protect ports used … Read more

JTable disable Checkbox in Cell

As noted in Concepts: Editors and Renderers, “a single cell renderer is generally used to draw all of the cells that contain the same type of data.” You’ll need to maintain the enabled state in your table model. Addendum: As a concrete example, the data model in this example is a simple array of Date … Read more

Custom HTML tag attributes are not rendered by JSF

This is by design. You can only specify attributes which are supported by the JSF component itself (i.e. it’s listed in the attribute list in the tag documentation). You can’t specify arbitrary additional attributes, they will all be plain ignored. There are several ways to solve this: If you’re already on JSF 2.2+, simply specify … Read more