How to update the Context value in a Provider from the Consumer? [duplicate]

You could use the useContext hook to achieve this. It’s quite easy to use it in the child elements of the Provider. As an example… authContext.js import { createContext } from “react”; const authContext = createContext({ authenticated: false, setAuthenticated: (auth) => {} }); export default authContext; Login.js (component consuming the Context) import React, { useContext … Read more

Cannot read property ‘history’ of undefined (useHistory hook of React Router 5)

It’s because the react-router context isn’t set in that component. Since its the <Router> component that sets the context you could use useHistory in a sub-component, but not in that one. Here is a very basic strategy for solving this issue: const AppWrapper = () => { return ( <Router> // Set context <App /> … Read more

Does new React Context API trigger re-renders?

Are updated to the context not propagated via the ususal rerenders? As I cannot see my logs / color changes when context changes. The updates to context values doesn’t trigger re-render for all the children of the provider, rather only components that are rendered from within the Consumer, so in your case although number component … Read more

How to update React Context from inside a child component?

Using hooks Hooks were introduced in 16.8.0 so the following code requires a minimum version of 16.8.0 (scroll down for the class components example). CodeSandbox Demo 1. Setting parent state for dynamic context Firstly, in order to have a dynamic context which can be passed to the consumers, I’ll use the parent’s state. This ensures … Read more

React Context vs React Redux, when should I use each one? [closed]

As Context is no longer an experimental feature and you can use Context in your application directly and it is going to be great for passing down data to deeply nested components which what it was designed for. As Mark Erikson has written in his blog: If you’re only using Redux to avoid passing down … Read more