How to use AsyncTask to show a ProgressDialog while doing background work in Android? [duplicate]

Place your ProgressDialog in onPreExecute, sample code below: private ProgressDialog pdia; @Override protected void onPreExecute(){ super.onPreExecute(); pdia = new ProgressDialog(yourContext); pdia.setMessage(“Loading…”);; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(String result){ super.onPostExecute(result); pdia.dismiss(); } and in your onClickListener, just put this line inside: new EfetuaLogin().execute(null, null , null);

ProgressDialog is deprecated.What is the alternate one to use?

Yes, in API level 26 it’s deprecated. Instead, you can use progressBar. To create it programmatically: First get a reference to the root layout RelativeLayout layout = findViewById(; //specify here Root layout Id or RelativeLayout layout = findViewById(this); Then add the progress bar progressBar = new ProgressBar(youractivity.this, null, android.R.attr.progressBarStyleLarge); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(100, 100); … Read more

How to display progress dialog before starting an activity in Android?

You should load data in an AsyncTask and update your interface when the data finishes loading. You could even start a new activity in your AsyncTask’s onPostExecute() method. More specifically, you will need a new class that extends AsyncTask: public class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { public MyTask(ProgressDialog progress) { this.progress = progress; } … Read more

Can’t create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() inside AsyncTask for ProgressDialog

The method show() must be called from the User-Interface (UI) thread, while doInBackground() runs on different thread which is the main reason why AsyncTask was designed. You have to call show() either in onProgressUpdate() or in onPostExecute(). For example: class ExampleTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> { // Your onPreExecute method. @Override protected String doInBackground(String… params) … Read more

Show ProgressDialog Android

Declare your progress dialog: ProgressDialog progress; When you’re ready to start the progress dialog: progress =, “dialog title”, “dialog message”, true); and to make it go away when you’re done: progress.dismiss(); Here’s a little thread example for you: // Note: declare ProgressDialog progress as a field in your class. progress =, “dialog title”, … Read more

Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change

Fragments can actually make this a lot easier. Just use the method Fragment.setRetainInstance(boolean) to have your fragment instance retained across configuration changes. Note that this is the recommended replacement for Activity.onRetainnonConfigurationInstance() in the docs. If for some reason you really don’t want to use a retained fragment, there are other approaches you can take. Note … Read more