How to pick an item by its probability?

Generate a uniformly distributed random number. Iterate through your list until the cumulative probability of the visited elements is greater than the random number Sample code: double p = Math.random(); double cumulativeProbability = 0.0; for (Item item : items) { cumulativeProbability += item.probability(); if (p <= cumulativeProbability) { return item; } }

Data structures for loaded dice?

You are looking for the alias method which provides a O(1) method for generating a fixed discrete probability distribution (assuming you can access entries in an array of length n in constant time) with a one-time O(n) set-up. You can find it documented in chapter 3 (PDF) of “Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation” by Luc Devroye. … Read more

Probability of SHA1 collisions

Are the 160 bit hash values generated by SHA-1 large enough to ensure the fingerprint of every block is unique? Assuming random hash values with a uniform distribution, a collection of n different data blocks and a hash function that generates b bits, the probability p that there will be one or more collisions is … Read more

Select k random elements from a list whose elements have weights

If the sampling is with replacement, you can use this algorithm (implemented here in Python): import random items = [(10, “low”), (100, “mid”), (890, “large”)] def weighted_sample(items, n): total = float(sum(w for w, v in items)) i = 0 w, v = items[0] while n: x = total * (1 – random.random() ** (1.0 / … Read more
