When is optimization premature? [closed]

Optimization is premature if: Your application isn’t doing anything time-critical. (Which means, if you’re writing a program that adds up 500 numbers in a file, the word “optimization” shouldn’t even pop into your brain, since all it’ll do is waste your time.) You’re doing something time-critical in something other than assembly, and still worrying whether … Read more

Are Java static calls more or less expensive than non-static calls?

First: you shouldn’t be making the choice of static vs non-static on the basis of performance. Second: in practice, it won’t make any difference. Hotspot may choose to optimize in ways that make static calls faster for one method, non-static calls faster for another. Third: much of the mythos surrounding static versus non-static are based … Read more

When is optimisation premature?

Don Knuth started the literate programming movement because he believed that the most important function of computer code is to communicate the programmer’s intent to a human reader. Any coding practice that makes your code harder to understand in the name of performance is a premature optimization. Certain idioms that were introduced in the name … Read more