Which versions of SSL/TLS does System.Net.WebRequest support?

When using System.Net.WebRequest your application will negotiate with the server to determine the highest TLS version that both your application and the server support, and use this. You can see more details on how this works here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security#TLS_handshake If the server doesn’t support TLS it will fallback to SSL, therefore it could potentially fallback to … Read more

The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm – ASP.NET C# IIS TLS 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 – Win32Exception

There are several other posts about this now and they all point to enabling TLS 1.2. Anything less is unsafe. You can do this in .NET 3.5 with a patch. You can do this in .NET 4.0 and 4.5 with a single line of code ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; // .NET 4.5 ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (SecurityProtocolType)3072; // … Read more