privacy policy Permission (S) :

your question is very general, therefore you’re getting an answer that is expansive on the topics that I think you should be reading about. Your “problem” is that you don’t have a privacy policy. Google states in various places that you need a privacy policy when you handle user data in some way. In your … Read more

Is there a valid reason for enforcing a maximum width of 80 characters in a code file, this day and age? [closed]

I think the practice of keeping code to 80 (or 79) columns was originally created to support people editing code on 80-column dumb terminals or on 80-column printouts. Those requirement have mostly gone away now, but there are still valid reasons to keep the 80 column rule: To avoid wrapping when copying code into email, … Read more

How long should I wait after applying an AWS IAM policy before it is valid?

The phrase “almost immediately” is used 5 times in the IAM FAQ, and is, of course, somewhat subjective. Since AWS is a globally-distributed system, your changes have to propagate, and the system as a whole seems to be designed to favor availability and partition tolerance as opposed to immediate consistency. I don’t know whether you’ve … Read more