Pointer arithmetic when void has unknown size [closed]

Incrementing a pointer is technically supposed to increment it by whatever size of thing that its pointing at. Void points at nothing, so the size is unknown. Its a nicety for some compilers to let you increment void pointers. Casting is annoying, because you have to either cast it to another pointer, and then back, … Read more

Do pointers support “array style indexing”?

You should indeed be using ptr[i] over *(ptr + i) for readability reasons. But apart from that, the [] operator is, strictly speaking, actually never used with an array operand. Arrays, when used in an expression, always “decay” into a pointer to the first element (with some exceptions). C17, emphasis mine: Except when it … Read more

Pointer Arithmetic In C

Like the ++ increment operator, the – subtraction operator with pointers also takes into account the size of the objects being pointed to. Specifically, the result returned is the number of bytes difference in the pointer values divided by the size of the pointed-to object (12, in your example). So the difference is 12 bytes, … Read more

C/C++: Pointer Arithmetic

Several answers here have stated that pointers are numbers. This is not an accurate description of pointers as specified by the C standard. In large part, you can think of pointers as numbers, and as addresses in memory, provided (a) you understand that pointer subtraction converts the difference from bytes to elements (of the type … Read more