Why piping input to “read” only works when fed into “while read …” construct? [duplicate]

How to do a loop against stdin and get result stored in a variable Under bash (and other shell also), when you pipe something to another command via |, you will implicitly create a fork, a subshell that is a child of current session. The subshell can’t affect current session’s environment. So this: TOTAL=0 printf … Read more

Piping both stdout and stderr in bash?

(Note that &>>file appends to a file while &> would redirect and overwrite a previously existing file.) To combine stdout and stderr you would redirect the latter to the former using 2>&1. This redirects stderr (file descriptor 2) to stdout (file descriptor 1), e.g.: $ { echo “stdout”; echo “stderr” 1>&2; } | grep -v … Read more