Cannot open backup device. Operating System error 5

Yeah I just scored this one. Look in Windows Services. Start > Administration > Services Find the Service in the list called: SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) look for the “Log On As” column (need to add it if it doesn’t exist in the list). This is the account you need to give permissions to the directory, … Read more

Getting all the time “permission denied” or “no such file or directory” by trying to save Bitmap image. What should i do?

runtime permissions letting user to allow or deny any permission at runtime. use this lib Dexter library.also check an working exmple here Include the library in your build.gradle dependencies{ implementation ‘com.karumi:dexter:4.2.0’ } this example requests WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE. Dexter.withActivity(this) .withPermission(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) .withListener(new PermissionListener() { @Override public void onPermissionGranted(PermissionGrantedResponse response) { // permission is granted, open the camera } … Read more

JavaMail API to iMail — Permission denied: connect

Add to the VM options. Another way to confirm if it is the same issue, in Netbeans, right click on the project > properties > Libraries and choose a JDK 6 Java Platform (install if you do not have it). Clean, build then try again. This will eliminate this issue as the problem Credit … Read more

getUserMedia() in chrome 47 without using https

getUserMedia allows you to listen in to the private conversations of the user. If it were enabled over unencrypted HTTP, this would allow an attacker to inject code that listens in and sends the conversations to the attacker. For example, if you if you are in a private conference room of a hotel with unencrypted … Read more

Permission denied on accessing host directory in Docker

See this Project Atomic blog post about Volumes and SELinux for the full story. Specifically: This got easier recently since Docker finally merged a patch which will be showing up in docker-1.7 (We have been carrying the patch in docker-1.6 on RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora). This patch adds support for “z” and “Z” as options … Read more

Error: EACCES: permission denied, access ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules’

Change your file permissions… Like this First check who owns the directory ls -la /usr/local/lib/node_modules it is denying access because the node_module folder is owned by root drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Jun 24 23:24 node_modules so this needs to be changed by changing root to your user but first run command below to check … Read more