Unable to position pager (navigation bar) above jqGrid

You should use toppager:true jqGrid option instead. You don’t need define <div id=”pager”></div> and use pager: ‘#pager’ parameter. The id of the pager from the top of jqGrid will be “list_toppager” (id of the table element appended with “_toppager”). If you want to add navigator you can use $(“#list”).jqGrid(‘navGrid’,’#list_toppager’); If you use define <div id=”pager”></div> … Read more

Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager

There is another solution that does not need modifying source code of ViewPager and FragmentStatePagerAdapter, and it works with the FragmentPagerAdapter base class used by the author. I’d like to start by answering the author’s question about which ID he should use; it is ID of the container, i.e. ID of the view pager itself. … Read more
