Java EE6> Packaging JSF facelets (xhtml) and ManagedBeans as JAR

Yes, that’s definitely possible, assuming that you’re using JSF 2.0, part of Java EE 6. As to the managed beans and other JSF classes like validators, converters, etc, just annotate them with @ManagedBean, @FacesValidator, @FacesConverter, etc and package them in the JAR the usual way. You only need to provide a JSF 2.0 compatible /META-INF/faces-config.xml … Read more

list python package dependencies without loading them?

Snakefood sfood -fuq | sfood-target-files will list the dependencies. `-f` tells sfood to follow dependencies recursively `-u` tells sfood to ignore unused imports `-q` tells sfood to be quiet about debugging information To filter out modules from the standard library, you could use sfood -fuq | sfood-filter-stdlib | sfood-target-files As you’ve already noted, … Read more

How to create Python egg file

You are reading the wrong documentation. You want this: Creating is covered in the distutils documentation in Python’s standard library documentation here. The main difference (for python eggs) is you import setup from setuptools, not distutils. Yep. That should be right. I don’t think so. pyc files can be version and platform dependent. … Read more

How to write to include a Git repository as a dependency

Note: this answer is now outdated. Have a look at this answer for up-to-date instructions: After digging through the pip issue 3939 linked by @muon in the comments above and then the PEP-508 specification, I found success getting my private repo dependency to install via using this specification pattern in install_requires (no more … Read more

Extending setuptools extension to use CMake in

What you basically need to do is to override the build_ext command class in your and register it in the command classes. In your custom impl of build_ext, configure and call cmake to configure and then build the extension modules. Unfortunately, the official docs are rather laconic about how to implement custom distutils commands … Read more

Differences between distribute, distutils, setuptools and distutils2?

As of May 2022, most of the other answers to this question are several years out-of-date. When you come across advice on Python packaging issues, remember to look at the date of publication, and don’t trust out-of-date information. The Python Packaging User Guide is worth a read. Every page has a “last updated” date displayed, … Read more