How to create a custom admin page in opencart?

OpenCart 2.x The path names have changed in OpenCart 2 – you will want to create admin/controller/extension/module/hello.php admin/language/en-gb/extension/module/hello.php admin/view/template/extension/module/hello.tpl Then the route becomes admin/index.php?route=extension/module/hello OpenCart 1.x Include full MVC flow. I found out how to do this. OpenCart uses the MVC pattern. I recommend reading about How to be an OpenCart Guru? post about learning … Read more

How to become an OpenCart guru? [closed]

OpenCart 1.5.X developer quick start guide for beginners This guide is written for developers already familiar with PHP, OOP and the MVC architecture In the following, you’ll see examples for the catalog side of the cart. The admin side is identical in function with the exception of the views which is noted in the relevant … Read more