Change Language in C#

To select a whole new culture, set the CurrentThread.CurrentCulture to a new culture, e.g. to set to French: System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(“fr-FR”); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ci; You can find a list of the predefined CultureInfo names here and here. If you want to change certain aspects of the default culture, you can grab the current … Read more

What’s the best database structure to keep multilingual data? [duplicate]

Similar to method 3: [languages] id (int PK) code (varchar) [products] id (int PK) neutral_fields (mixed) [products_t] id (int FK) language (int FK) translated_fields (mixed) PRIMARY KEY: id,language So for each table, make another table (in my case with “_t” suffix) which holds the translated fields. When you SELECT * FROM products, simply … LEFT … Read more

the best way to make codeigniter website multi-language. calling from lang arrays depends on lang session?

Have you seen CodeIgniter’s Language library? The Language Class provides functions to retrieve language files and lines of text for purposes of internationalization. In your CodeIgniter system folder you’ll find one called language containing sets of language files. You can create your own language files as needed in order to display error and other messages … Read more

HTML – Arabic Support

This is the answer that was required but everybody answered only part one of many. Step 1 – You cannot have the multilingual characters in unicode document.. convert the document to UTF-8 document advanced editors don’t make it simple for you… go low level… use notepad to save the document as meName.html & change the … Read more

Best practice multi language website

Topic’s premise There are three distinct aspects in a multilingual site: interface translation content url routing While they all interconnected in different ways, from CMS point of view they are managed using different UI elements and stored differently. You seem to be confident in your implementation and understanding of the first two. The question was … Read more

Schema for a multilanguage database

What do you think about having a related translation table for each translatable table? CREATE TABLE T_PRODUCT (pr_id int, PRICE NUMBER(18, 2)) CREATE TABLE T_PRODUCT_tr (pr_id INT FK, languagecode varchar, pr_name text, pr_descr text) This way if you have multiple translatable column it would only require a single join to get it + since you … Read more