Post processing in ffmpeg to move ‘moov atom’ in MP4 files (qt-faststart)

Seems like faststart support has been included in ffmpeg. FFmpeg Formats Documentation: -movflags faststart Run a second pass moving the moov atom on top of the file. This operation can take a while, and will not work in various situations such as fragmented output, thus it is not enabled by default.

Another: Force Chrome to fully buffer mp4 video

Sadly Chrome – like other HTML5 browsers – tries to be smart about what it’s downloading and avoids unnecessary bandwidth usage… this means that sometimes we’re left with a sub-optimal experience (ironically YouTube suffers from this so much that there are extensions to force more pre-buffering!) That said, I’ve not found this to be required … Read more

Possible Locations for Sequence/Picture Parameter Set(s) for H.264 Stream

First off, it’s important to understand that there is no single standard H.264 elementary bitstream format. The specification document does contain an Annex, specifically Annex B, that describes one possible format, but it is not an actual requirement. The standard specifies how video is encoded into individual packets. How these packets are stored and transmitted … Read more