Implement Mixin In Java? [closed]

You could use CGLIB for that. The class Mixin is able to generate a dynamic class from several interfaces / object delegates: static Mixin create(java.lang.Class[] interfaces, java.lang.Object[] delegates) static Mixin create(java.lang.Object[] delegates) static Mixin createBean(java.lang.Object[] beans)

Is it possible to implement mixins in C#?

It really depends on what you mean by “mixin” – everyone seems to have a slightly different idea. The kind of mixin I’d like to see (but which isn’t available in C#) is making implementation-through-composition simple: public class Mixin : ISomeInterface { private SomeImplementation impl implements ISomeInterface; public void OneMethod() { // Specialise just this … Read more

Mixin vs inheritance

A mixin is typically used with multiple inheritance. So, in that sense, there’s “no difference”. The detail is that a mixin is rarely useful as a standalone object. For example, say you have a mixin named “ColorAndDimension”, which adds a color property and width and height. Now, you could add ColorAndDimension to a, say, Shape … Read more

How to define a dynamic mixin or function name in SASS?

Variable interpolation in @mixins does not appear to be supported currently. The SASS documentation calls this #{} interpolation and describes it like this: Interpolation: #{} You can also use SassScript variables in selectors and property names using #{} interpolation syntax: $name: foo; $attr: border; p.#{$name} { #{$attr}-color: blue; } Per the documentation, interpolation of variable … Read more

Using variables for CSS properties in Sass

You need to use interpolation (eg. #{$var}) on your variable in order for Sass to treat it as a CSS property. Without it, you’re just performing variable assignment. @mixin w_fluid($property_name, $w_element, $w_parent:16) { #{$property_name}: percentage(($w_element / $w_parent)); }

What is C++ Mixin-Style?

Mixins are a concept from Lisp. A good explanation from Dr. Dobbs: A mixin is a fragment of a class in the sense that it is intended to be composed with other classes or mixins. […] The difference between a regular, stand-alone class (such as Person) and a mixin is that a mixin models some … Read more

Mixins for ES6 classes, transpiled with babel

Subclass Factory Mixins There is another way to realize mixins in Javascript: With subclass factories. A subclass factory is a function that excepts a base class and returns an extended subclass of this base class: const mixin = base => class extends base { /* properties to mix in */ } Subclass factories are possible … Read more

CSS property as SASS mixin value [duplicate]

If you want to use variables as property names you need to use string interpolation – #{$var}. So this should work: [class*=”shift”] { $sft-o: 10px; @mixin shift_stp($val) { &[class*=”_sml”]{ #{$val}: $sft-o; } &[class*=”_mid”]{ #{$val}: $sft-o * 2; } &[class*=”_big”]{ #{$val}: $sft-o * 3; } } &[class*=”_m”]{ @include shift_stp(margin); } &[class*=”_p”]{ @include shift_stp(padding); } } DEMO … Read more

LessCss dynamic variables based on ancestor class

Well, no, you can’t use class name to determine a variable or a return value. So it’s usually done in reverse, for example like this: @brand-default: #649d84; @brand-africa: #df6f20; @brand-nz: #444444; h1 { .brand-colors(); } h2 { .brand-colors(background-color); } .brand-colors(@property: color) { .color(default); .color(africa); .color(nz); .color(@name) { .brand-@{name} & { @value: ‘brand-@{name}’; @{property}: @@value; } … Read more

How to use mixins properly in Javascript

A mixin is just a different conceptual idea, of how to organize code and inheritance. You can of course combine it with using classical or prototypal inheritance, but it also works stand-alone, so to speak. For instance, instead of creating “delegated” object properties/lookups (like prototypal inheritance), we would truly “form” new stand-alone objects, from multiple … Read more
