Load Excel data sheet to Oracle database

Excel -> CSV -> Oracle Save the Excel spreadsheet as file type ‘CSV’ (Comma-Separated Values). Transfer the .csv file to the Oracle server. Create the Oracle table, using the SQL CREATE TABLE statement to define the table’s column lengths and types. Use sqlload to load the .csv file into the Oracle table. Create a sqlload … Read more

Can’t migrate database after scaffold. Section 2.2 Ruby on Rails Tutorial Michael Hartl

I just ran into this as well. This is due to ActiveRecord 4.2.0.beta4 passing a parameter to Arel::Nodes::BindParam.new. Arel 6.0.0 was just released today. In this version, BindParam does not accept any parameters in it’s initalizer. ActiveRecord has already fixed this on the master branch. Until beta5 is released you’ll need to lock your Gemfile … Read more

Moving Git repository content to another repository preserving history

I think the commands you are looking for are: cd repo2 git checkout master git remote add r1remote **url-of-repo1** git fetch r1remote git merge r1remote/master –allow-unrelated-histories git remote rm r1remote After that repo2/master will contain everything from repo2/master and repo1/master, and will also have the history of both of them.