Upload file to SharePoint drive using Microsoft Graph

In order to get all the files of a drive using v1.0, you would first need to get an access token, then get the ‘drive-id’ and use the following URL (note: it is ‘drives’ not ‘drive’): https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives/{drive-id}/root/children To get the drive id, make the following GET request using postman, this will list all the drives … Read more

Which Graph API should be used with Azure AD B2C

As of today, we recommend that you use the Azure Active Directory Graph API https://graph.windows.net to access and manage your B2C tenants. Azure AD B2C: Use the Graph API If you read this article, you can learn more about the gaps between AAD and Microsoft Graph API: https://dev.office.com/blogs/microsoft-graph-or-azure-ad-graph The bottom line in the table states: … Read more