Cannot create a symlink inside of /usr/bin even as sudo [closed]

Why can’t I symlink into /usr/bin? El Capitan’s new System Integrity Protection feature prevents changes to several core parts of OS X, including most of /usr/, even by root. How can I still add executable files to my path? Local customizations, such as what you’re doing, belong in /usr/local instead. The path /usr/local/bin doesn’t exist … Read more

Enable native NTFS symbolic links for Cygwin

⸻⸻  Short answer  ⸻⸻ Define environment variable: CYGWIN=winsymlinks:nativestrict As pointed out by mwm you may also have to go to the settings or to run bash as Administrator. See the Notes section. ⸻⸻  Long answer  ⸻⸻ Default Cygwin symlinks are just regular files By default Cygwin creates text files as workaround for Windows symlink flaw. … Read more

How to use MAMP’s version of PHP instead of the default on OSX

I have created a symlink at the original php location. 1. Locate your osx php version with: which php The result should be: /opt/local/bin/php 2. Backup (move) your original php binary: sudo mv /opt/local/bin/php /opt/local/bin/php.bak 3. Create the symlink: sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.4/bin/php /opt/local/bin/php 4. Run your new php version: php -v PS: In order … Read more
