Xcode/LLDB: How to get information about an exception that was just thrown?

The exception object is passed in as the first argument to objc_exception_throw. LLDB provides $arg1..$argn variables to refer to arguments in the correct calling convention, making it simple to print the exception details: (lldb) po $arg1 (lldb) po [$arg1 name] (lldb) po [$arg1 reason] Make sure to select the objc_exception_throw frame in the call stack … Read more

Permanently configuring LLDB (in Xcode 4.3.2) not to stop on signals

In case anyone else ever has this question, I finally solved it by adding a breakpoint in NSApplicationMain() (for plain C programs, main() would of course work as well). I set the breakpoint action to process handle SIGUSR2 -n true -p true -s false, and enabled the “Automatically continue after evaluating” option. If anyone has … Read more