What causes the different behaviors between “var” and “let” when assign them a returned value of a function which throws an error

Declarations of var variables get hoisted – the variable name initialization gets hoisted to the top of the containing function (or, if no function, to the top of the outer block). So var withVar = (function() {throw ‘error!’})() is parsed by the interpreter as var withVar; withVar = (function() {throw ‘error!’})() The same is not … Read more

Chrome console already declared variables throw undefined reference errors for let

This happens when you introduce the temporal dead zone to the global scope. As you might know, let declarations are hoisted but left uninitialised. Due to control flow, it can happen that a variable is never initialised: function …() { if (false) example; // would throw a ReferenceError if it was evaluated … // do … Read more

What is the difference between “let” and “var”?

Scoping rules The main difference is scoping rules. Variables declared by var keyword are scoped to the immediate function body (hence the function scope) while let variables are scoped to the immediate enclosing block denoted by { } (hence the block scope). function run() { var foo = “Foo”; let bar = “Bar”; console.log(foo, bar); … Read more

Do let statements create properties on the global object?

Do let statements create properties on the global object? According to the spec, no: A global environment record is logically a single record but it is specified as a composite encapsulating an object environment record and a declarative environment record. The object environment record has as its base object the global object of the associated … Read more

What is the temporal dead zone?

let and const have two broad differences from var: They are block scoped. Accessing a var before it is declared has the result undefined; accessing a let or const before it is declared throws ReferenceError: console.log(aVar); // undefined console.log(aLet); // Causes ReferenceError: Cannot access ‘aLet’ before initialization var aVar = 1; let aLet = 2; … Read more

Are variables declared with let or const hoisted?

@thefourtheye is correct in saying that these variables cannot be accessed before they are declared. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Are variables declared with let or const not hoisted? What is really going on here? All declarations (var, let, const, function, function*, class) are “hoisted” in JavaScript. This means that if a … Read more

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